Friday 4 May 2012

i chose to use the style of text for the masthead because i thought that it represented two personalities, which is one of the themes featured in the plot of "Two Faced". the image i chose to use is supposed to represent a faceless nameless victim in the distance and also show the protagonist but also without relieving an identity. this was intentional because i wanted the target audience to feel that there is a mystery, and the only way they could solve the mystery would be to go and see the film. the image was edied to make it darker and more eerie. that tag line that everyone in the group used "There's two sides to every story" was chosen because we all felt it was a statement but at the same time left a question that could only be answered by going to see the film. This is stereotypical of film posters because its all about getting the largest volume of people to see a film so that the company that made it will make money. Three elements that are also stereotypical of a film poster that i have also included are the web address for the official site the release date and a billing block.
At the top of the magazine cover there is a banner line which grabs the readers attention and draws them to the competition. as the readers eye naturally falls down the page they can see the masthead which is in a font that is representational of a film used in a camera and so can be linked to the film genre of the magazine. i continued the use of the Font used in my film poser for the title. i did this because it can be used as brand recognition and will be easier for people to recognize what the article is about. my magazine cover has all the stereotypical features you would find on a real professionally produced magazine cover which include, issue date, mast head, banner line, sell lines, web address, tag line, price, image of actor, subsidiary image and features bar. These are all used to draw peoples attention and get them to read the magazine and see the film that the articles are about.  

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