Wednesday 21 September 2011

Film Synopsis

The film starts with a family group (Father, Mother, Son, and Daughter) sat around the living room table having dinner. In the background the TV is on, and a breaking news report can be seen.  The father tells everyone to go to the car because there has been a biological weapon malfunction and they are in grave danger and must leave immediately. They start to leave the city and start to see that the weapon has already started to affect people. The weapon is designed to attack the nervous system and eat away at flesh. They are just about to reach the edge of the city, and just then the reality hits them.
The government has shut off all the exits from the city in an effort to contain to spread of the infection, but by doing this they sentence thousands of innocent healthy people to death including the family who now seem to have no way out.
This is the point in the film that the audience find out that the father in no ordinary citizen but in fact is a high ranking officer in the military. He tells his family that he has a way out for them and that they should all head to the port and he would use his rank to get them aboard a ship that would take them safely away from the city and out of the reach of the infection.
From this point in chaos ensues as there is a frantic battle for survival whilst the family are chased and picked off one by one by the infected but only the father survives. The father is left alone to make his battle through the city to get to safety. He is pursued through the city by hoards of the infected he must use whatever he can find to defend himself. Along the way he has a breakdown and is crying at the loss of his family, he says “it’s all my fault”. This is the point where the audience find out that it was the father’s fault that the weapon malfunctioned in the first place and consequently his fault for the loss of his family and the thousands of innocent people that are now infected. He manages to barricade himself inside an old church but this is a fatal mistake, he is soon surrounded by the infected. The infected manage to get in and he is now cornered. They start to move towards him. They rip him to pieces and his clothes and body parts can be seen flying through the air. The audience then find out that the whole film had in fact been the dream of the father. He wakes up in a cold sweat and fear on his face, he realises it was a dream and is relieved. But his problems aren’t over, as he finds out when he reports for his duties that morning. He had been assigned to do tests on a biological weapon, and then he realises his dream was about to became reality!

                                                                                                                                          Dan Ashton